Monday, March 23, 2009

Saving A Disgusting Creature & A Hike

WHAT is this THING?
YUCK! It's a giant waterbug, also known as a toe biter. This UGLY thing is still a baby of sorts & was found in Lorraine's garden pond. Lorraine HATES them with a passion and wanted it out before it began eating another of her fish.
Caught in a net(she may hate them, but can't kill them) and carried very carefully to the Schukyll River in a baggy by Bethany the ugly creature was set free, BUT NOT before the dog stepped smack on top of it. Who knows if it lived, we don't!! YUCK are they ever disgusting. Full grown they get to be more than 3 inches big - they live in water and they fly and live on land. OH DOUBLE YUCK!!!

Friends and sisters :)

STONES in my boots, OH NO!!

Run Forest Run!

Mom, I can do it, I'm 7 now ya know

Huh, did you call me?


Down the hill we go,

ever so graceful!!

Graceful or not, we all made it down!

It's a LONGGGG walk back.

YEAH!! For what you ask? Beats me!! :-)

My legs are T.I.R.E.D!! Mommy will you give me a piggyback??

I said a piggyBACK not a piggyFLOP??!

Ooops, almost lost her pants with that flop

Last stop before we got back to the car

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Down By The River Trail

Love This Pic of Little 'B'

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's My Birthday

Well, um today is my birthday. I'm going to thank everyone for my presents. I got a farm on the go, um I got a Leapster and a fuzzy paper butterfly, I like that. Um, what else, I got a sleepover set for dolls, I got a build a bear gift card, I got a whole 150 crayons from Lorraine and I got a sharpener for my crayons too. I got a dress for my build a bear and a cell phone. Next I got a sparkling candle from Friendly's. Grandma from England gave me a tank top, spring pajamas and a card. From England too an Avon necklace with a 'B' on it. That's enough till next time.
Love, Bethany

I LOVE my Daddy
See ya soon Daddy xx

Happy Birthday Bethany

It's your BIG DAY. It's a day for you to have FUN,
LAUGH LOTS and most of all ENJOY!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

6 Soon To Be 7!

Lorraine said "someone we know is having a birthday. Hmmm, who could that someone possibly be?? Let me see ... It's a little someone. It's someone who's 6 very soon to be 7! Hmmm, might that person be Messy Jess? Or is it Pesty Pat? I think it's Pesty Pat . . . what did you get me for my birthday? What did you buy me for my birthday? Yep, it's Pesty Pat who's having a birthday. Enough pestering Pesty Pat. Here's your birthday present!! You can look, but you sure can't touch! Not yet as it's just not quite your birthday!! Soon, very very soon ! :-)"