Monday, June 29, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dear angel, Ever at my side

"A Dancer's Prayer"

Dear angel, Ever at my side
Be there today, my feet to guide.
Help me dance high, and light, and free,
So everyone will be proud of me.
May the judges be fair and the stages be spacious.
In winning and losing let me be gracious,
So that every dance I'll remember with pride.
And angel, please keep my shoelaces tied.
Author Unknown


Dance little girl to the tune in your heart
And the smiles of your mother and dad,
And your friends looking on-
Who are thrilled with the song
That bubbles from someone glad.
Dance little girl- little boy standing by
Is shy- and wants to be bold.
Take his hand little girl-
Understand little girl,
The treasures more precious than gold.
Dance little girl- for all in this world,
Dance wherever you go.
Lift your head little boy-
Never dread little boy-
Dance - and on with the show.
by C. Beale Fletcher